We identify the main mistakes that drive users away and offer effective solutions to fix them.
We help keep interested users on the website and guide them toward the decision-making moment.
Simplified searches for relevant information and contacts block on the site, a user-friendly interface, and user-friendly design elements. Such changes help to keep new customers on the site and increase the number of orders from loyal users.
Key techniques for improving usability reduce the cost of day-to-day customer support by several times, and also help to significantly reduce the cost of customer engagement.
Errors scare users away. We offer their effective elimination, we help to keep interested users on the site and lead them to a positive decision.
find the main errors
simplifying the website for clients
we reduce
If an organization promotes its services online or directly sells something on the internet, the absence of website usability can easily cut its profit in half.
For Destra, it is common practice to see the overall website conversion rate increase from 1% to 2-3% after implementing audit-based recommendations. It may not sound like much, but it results in a twofold increase in profits without additional investment in advertising. Even if a website does not sell anything directly online, its usability still has a significant impact on audience loyalty.
When potential customers or readers spend minimal time searching for the necessary information, they add the website to their bookmarks and return regularly. The time people spend on the site also increases, which improves behavioral factors and strengthens its position in Google search results.
However, keep in mind that ordering a usability audit is pointless if the website exists "just for show" and no one intends to work on it. Usability does not sell anything on its own—it is merely a supporting tool.
Дизайн передбачає собою не лише красиве наповнення, а й зручність. Для цього створюється безліч варіантів і проводиться тестування.
First, our team researches each client's business, sifts through tons of information, and studies the specifics of the niche. We help clients define clear goals and the paths to achieving them.
We analyze the target audience, their needs, and pain points, breaking down the entire conversion journey step by step—from the moment they enter the site to submitting a request.
Every element is examined: buttons, color schemes, text, and layout issues. Then, we thoroughly explain each point of our audit and assist in implementing the improvements on the website.
A website is a modern "autonomous" tool, but it still requires people to work with it. Quality maintenance and efficient management are essential—without these elements, even the most well-optimized website won’t generate profit.
We frequently communicate with clients, clarify key details important to their audience, and work in synergy to achieve the best results. When a client is willing to invest time and effort, the final outcome won’t take long to show.